The name thymos comes from the verb thyo (thysiazo which means sacrifice) The Greek word for incense is thymiamata. In ancient times thyme branches were burnt on altars incense. The poorer people in ancient Greece used to eat a mixture of thyme, honey and vinegar for energy, while the elders consumed big quantities of thyme tea to revitalise brain activity. Roman soldiers took a bath scented with thyme to enable them to have strength and vitality. Cretans used to rub their gums with thyme so as to heal gingivitis and today it has been proven that gargling with thyme gives very good results against this. It is also good for sore throats and intense coughing.
N Culpepper 1616 – 1654 praised thyme as an important strengthener for the lungs and even more important for developing youngsters and said that there is no better medicine for dealing with whooping cough. It is an exceptional antiseptic and tonic for bronchitis, asthma, stomatitis (inflammation of the mouth), scabies, ringworm but also to combat headlice. For the problems of youthful skin acne and oily hair. Very good anti-allergic rhinitis bronchitis asthma . soothes aching joints.
And even today is used for medicines for the respiratory system.